13 Things Your Mother Does For You Which No One Else Can Do In This World For You
1. Feeds you more than your stomach can take and eats leftovers herself
2. When you were a kid, she’d check your lunch box every single day when you returned home from school and if it’s not empty you’re in a big trouble
3. She backs you up when your result are too poor to show or be signed by your dad
4. She’s always worrying about everybody’s health other than hers
5. When you teach your amma how to text message in cell phone, next day she’ll message you asking – haveyoueaten?
6. She acts as a substitute to alarm clock with no snooze button
7. When dad gets super angry and is ready to whip you like hell, maa leaves everything she’s been doing and comes running to your rescue
8. Whenever you are a little late coming home, she bombards you with worried-sounding phone calls
9. She writes a long check list for your trip and inspects your backpack again and again to see that you remain comfortable when she’s not there to comfort you
10. You will always be her baby and she will treat you as such, even when you have your own children
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